The first training week of the ENHAnCE-ITN-MSCA project will be held on-line form 26th to 30th October 2020 and followed through the link below. If you are an Early Stage Researcher or just interested in acquiring some useful research skills, you are more than welcome! 0fa9cdd00e56


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Final meeting of ENHAnCE

Final meeting of ENHAnCE on the 25th June 2024 We are happy to announce the successful conclusion of the H2020 MSCA ITN project ENHAnCE, the


code D5.2  : Code related to the Integration of communications and SHM data (demonstrator, Deliverable 5.2)  code D3.3 :  Computational platform (Open Access) for computing


Uncertainty quantification in Neural Networks by Approximate Bayesian Computation: Application to fatigue in composite materials. Particle filter-based hybrid damage prognosis considering measurement bias. Reduction of