The Project
ENHAnCE is a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) for early stage researchers (ESR) funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme, the EU framework programme for research and innovation.
The ENHAnCE network aims to train the next generation of scientists to produce a paradigm shift on the health management of composite structures by fusing ad-hoc sensing technologies and prognostics engineering within the structural system leading to a new concept of intelligent structures understood as cyber-physical systems
Novel embedded sensors on board able to identify damage signature in real-time (minimally-invasive SHM skin) and manufacturing method to integrate them within composite plates;
Formulate novel mathematical and simulation tools for analysing the interaction of sensor’s signals with damage in composites;
Development of real-time self-adaptive prognostics algorithms using integrated sensor’s data;
Development of a Cyber-Physical structural information system using post-prognostics information based on the Plausible Pet ri net (PPN) paradigm or similar.
Dr. Daniel Schmidth
German Aerospace Center, Germany ( ERS1)
Mr. Ir. David Dumas
CENAERO. Belgium (ESR 2)
Dr. Ingrid Lepot
CENAERO, Belgium (ESR 2)
Prof. Alain Lhemery
CEA- List, France (ESR 3)
Dr. Vahan Baronian
CEA- List, France (ESR 3)
Dr. María Rodríguez Gude
FIDAMC, Spain (ESR 4)
Dr. Mª Isabel Martín Hernando
FIDAMC, Spain (ESR 4)
Dr. Dimitrios Zarouchas
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (ESR 5)
Prof. Rinze Benedictus
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (ESR 5)
Dr. Claudio Sbarufatti
Politecnico di Milano, Italy (ESR6)
Prof. Franceso Cadini
Politecnico di Milano, Italy (ESR6)
Prof. Athanasios Kolios
University of Strathclyde, Scotland (ESR 7)
Prof. Fearnal Breenan
University of Strathclyde, Scotland (ESR 7)
Dr. Rasa Remenyte-Prescott
University of Nottingham, UK, (ESR 8)
Prof. John Andrews
University of Nottingham, UK, (ESR 8)
Dr. Juan Chiachío Ruano
University of Granada, Spain (ESR9)
Prof. Francisco Herrera
University of Granada, Spain (ESR9)
Dr. Manuel Chiachío Ruano
University of Granada, Spain (ESR10)