
ENHAnCE is a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) for early stage researchers (ESR) funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme, the EU framework programme for research and innovation.


code D5.2  : Code related to the Integration of communications and SHM data (demonstrator, Deliverable 5.2)  code D3.3 :  Computational platform (Open Access) for computing

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Uncertainty quantification in Neural Networks by Approximate Bayesian Computation: Application to fatigue in composite materials. Particle filter-based hybrid damage prognosis considering measurement bias. Reduction of

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Public Deliverables

Download here our public deliverables and demonstrators from ENHAnCE: D-8.9.-End of Year 3 Summary Report & ENHAnCE achievements-ENHAnCE D-8.11-Potential inputs for policy feedback  

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